Friday, February 26, 2010

References: Climate Migration in Latin America: A Future ‘Flood of Refugees’ to the North? Part 2

1Warner, Koko, et al. In Search of Shelter: Mapping the Effects of Climate Change on Human Migration and Displacement. New York: UN University, CARE International, Columbia University, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), World Bank, 7, 2009.

2 Renaud, Fabrice, et al. "Control, Adapt Or Flee: How to Face Environmental Migration?" InterSectTions, 'Interdisciplinary Security ConnecTions' Publication Series of UNU-EHS, 19 (2007) . 07/25/09 .

3 Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios Project (EACH-FOR). Preliminary Findings from the EACH-FOR Project on Environmentally Induced Migration. Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios Project, 28, 2008. 07/25/09 .

4 Warner, et al, 7

5 Warner, et al, 7

6 Warner, et al, 7

7 International Organization for Migration, Vol. 31. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Migration, 32, 2008b. 07/25/09.

8 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 32

9 Tina Acketoft, Environmentally Induced Migration and Displacement: a 21st Century Challenge (Strasbourg, France: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, 2008) 11.

10United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), Global Report on Human Settlements 2007: Enhancing Urban Safety and Security (Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 2007) 121, 09/12/09 .

11 Acketoft, 11

12 Lisa Boscov-Ellen, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Rio's Slum Solution," Council on Hemispheric Affairs September 3rd, 2009, : 09/05/09 .

13 Acketoft, 10

14 Warner, et al, 7

15 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 32-33

16 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 34

17 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 34

18 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 34

19 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 34-35

20 Brown, O., Migration and Climate Change, International Organization for Migration, IOM Migration Research Series, (N° 31, Geneva, 2008), 34-35 cited in Tina Acketoft, Environmentally Induced Migration and Displacement: a 21st Century Challenge (Strasbourg, France: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, 2008) 11.

21 Paulina de los Reyes, "Women and Migrants: Continuity and Change in Patterns of Female Migration in Latin America," Women, Gender, and Labour Migration, ed. Pamela Sharpe, first ed. (Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2001) 275-282, .

22 de los Reyes, 282

23 Boano, Camillo, Roger Zetter, and Tim Morris. Environmentally Displaced People: Understanding the Linkages between Environmental Change, Livelihoods and Forced Migration. Ed. Simon Addison. Vol. 1. Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University, 20, 2008. 07/25/09 .

24 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 33

25 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 20

26 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 21-22

27 John M. Broder, "Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security," International Herald Tribune August 8 2009, , sec. Science: 08/08/09 .

28 Gosine, Andil. "Roots of Flight: Environmental Refugees in Latin America -A Response to Analysis by Homer-Dixon." Refuge 15.2, 27 (1996): 27. . 07/25/09 .

29 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 24

30 Broder,

31 Robert M. Mcab and Kathleen S. Bailey, "Latin America and the Debate over Environmental Protection and National Security," DISAM Journal of International Security Assistance Managment (2007) 07/25/09 .

32 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 37

33 Warner, et al, v

34 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 28

35 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 10

36 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 18

37 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 39

38 Millman, Joel, “U.S. Lets Illegal Haitians Stay, Will Turn Back Refugees,” The Wall Street Journal (2010); 01/16/10 .

39 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 39

Thursday, February 25, 2010

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Friday, February 19, 2010

References: Climate Migration in Latin America: A Future ‘Flood of Refugees’ to the North? (Part 1)

1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report, 2007) 53, 08/26/09 .

2 Christian Aid Human Tide: the Real Migration Crisis (2007), as cited in Camillo Boano, Roger Zetter, and Tim Morris, Environmentally Displaced People: Understanding the Linkages between Environmental Change, Livelihoods and Forced Migration, ed. Simon Addison (Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University, 2008) 12, 07/25/09 .

3 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),

4 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change (Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Migration, 2008), 07/25/09 .

5 Fabrice Renaud, et al, "Control, Adapt or Flee: How to Face Environmental Migration?" InterSectTions, 'Interdisciplinary Security ConnecTions' Publication Series of UNU-EHS.5 (2007) 07/25/09 .

6 Koko Warner, et al, In Search of Shelter: Mapping the Effects of Climate Change on Human Migration and Displacement (New York: UN University, CARE International, Columbia University, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), World Bank, 2009) 21.

7 Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios Project (EACH-FOR), Preliminary Findings from the EACH-FOR project on Environmentally Induced Migration Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios Project, 2008) 3, 07/25/09 .

8 Odedra Kolmannskog and Vikram, Future Floods of Refugees: A comment on climate change, conflict and forced migration, ed. Odedra Kolmannskog and Vikram (Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Refugee Council, 2008) 8, 07/25/09 .

9 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 7

10 Boano, Camillo, Roger Zetter, and Tim Morris. Environmentally Displaced People: Understanding the Linkages between Environmental Change, Livelihoods and Forced Migration. Ed. Simon Addison. Vol. 1. Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University, (2008),7 07/25/09 .

1 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 5

12 Alexandra Deprez, Conversation with Hiroyuki Tanaka, Research Assistant at the Migration Policy Institute, 2009

13 Odedra Kolmannskog and Vikram

14 Deprez, Conversation

15 Such as those inhabitants of the low-lying Pacific Islands.

16 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) A critical time for the environment. (2002, no.127), 2, in Renaud, et al, 19

17 The UN agency does not appear to provide more specific and yearly data on the figure of individuals throughout the world displaced by natural disasters; at least attested by the lack of inclusion of pertaining data in their report 2008 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and Stateless People. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 02/01/10,

18 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 31

19 Odedra Kolmannskog and Vikram, 9

20 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 10

21 International Organization for Migration, Migration, Development and Environment,14

22 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 10

23 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 8

24 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 13

25 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 36

26 Castles, S. Environmental change and forced migration: making sense of the debate,

UNHCR Issues in Refugee Research, (2002 Working Paper No. 70), as cited in Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 9

27 Deprez, Conversation.

28 Khalid Koser, International Migration: A Very Short Introduction (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007) 58-59.

29 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 25

30 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 24

31 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 18

32 International Organization for Migration, Methodologies

33 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 13

34 International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 31

35 Sabine L. Perch-Nielsen, Michele B. Battig, and Dieter Imboden, "Exploring the Link Between Climate Change and Migration," Climatic Change.91 (2008) 07/25/09 .

36 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Living Beyond Our Means. Natural Assets and Human Well-being: Synthesis from the Board. (2005), as cited in Renaud, et al, 24

37 Warner, et al, 7

38 Renaud, et al, 19

39 Janos J. Bogardi, International Dialogue on Migration: Expert Seminar: Migration and the Environment (Geneva, Switzerland: Migration Policy, Research and Communications Department (MPRC) of the International Organization for Migration, 2008) 81-82, 07/25/09 .

40 Perch-Nielsen, Battig, and Imboden, 388

41 Daussy, Laure. “Le casse-tête du statut des futures réfugiés climatiques,” Le, (12/04/2009), .

42 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 15

43 Stern, N., (Ed.), The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review, (2006, Cambridge University

Press, Cambridge), 56, as cited in International Organization for Migration, Migration and Climate Change, 31

44 Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios Project (EACH-FOR), 26

45 Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios Project (EACH-FOR), 25

46 Warner, et al, 5

47 Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios Project (EACH-FOR), 24-25

48 Boscov-Ellen, Lisa. “Water for Sale,” Council on Hemispheric Affairs (2009), .

49 International Organization for Migration, Migration, Development and Environment (Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Migration, 2008) 22, 07/25/09 .

50 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 15

51 Alexandra Deprez, "Earthquake Exposes Fault Lines in Costa Rican Governance," Council on Hemispheric Affairs (2009), .

52 Telegraph, “Haiti earthquake: death toll reaches 200,000.” Telegraph; 02/04/2010 .

53 Renois, Clarens, “Haitians angry over slow aid,” The Age; 02/05/2009. .

54 Natasha Gilbert, "Hurricane peak not unique," Nature News August 12, 2009, : 09/11/09 .

55 Warner, et al, 7

56 Boano, Zetter, and Morris, 11

57 Warner, et al, 3

58 Renaud, et al, 22

59 Warner, et al, 3

60 Andil Gosine, "Roots of Flight: Environmental Refugees in Latin America -A Response to Analysis by Homer-Dixon," Refuge 15.2 (1996) 07/25/09 .

61 United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), Nicaragua Law, Land Tenure and Gender Review: Latin America (Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 2005) 34, 09/11/09 .

62 Gosine, 27