Friday, April 29, 2011

Olga Imbaquingo and Christina Sabato: May 7 Ecuadorian Referendum Fast Approaches

1. “Organización indígena rechaza el referendo que impulsa Correa.” El Nuevo Herald. April 3 2011. (accessed April 20 2011).

2. “Latin American Weekly Report.” Latin News. April 28 2011. / (accessed April 28 2011)

3. “Press Still Threatened in Latin America.” AFP, April 08 2011.

4. “Attacks on the Press 2009: Ecuador.” Committee to Protect Journalist.

5. “Lista de Preguntas,”

6. “Para el Jefe de Estado es ‘Técnicamente Innecesaria´Pregunta sobre Ley de Medios.” El Universo, March 31 2011.

7. Hall, Evelyn Beatrice. The Friends of Voltaire. Berkeley: University of California, 1969, 199.


8. “Jaime Nebot Perdió Entusiasmo por la Consulta.” El Comercio. April 12 2011.

9. “Si no Reformamos la Justicia, no Habrá Futuro para el País.” El Ciudadano. March 6 2011.

10. “Denuncia por Genocidio Ahonda Pugna entre Correa e Indígenas Ecuatorianos.” El Universo. March 30 2011.

11. “Empleo y subempleo y desempleo.”

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Panamanian Corruption Concealed Amidst Free Trade Negotiations

1. 1. Jackson, Eric. “Party switch, financial chaos in San Miguelito.” The Panama News. 30 November 2010.

2. 2. Jackson, Eric. “Martinelli casually ignites a firestorm of criticism.” The Panama News. 16 November 2010.

3. 3. Jackson, Eric. “Shamah steers contracts to his real estate partner.” The Panama News. 16 November 2010.

4. 4. “Senior GOP Officials Express Doubts About Contractor for Panama Canal Locks.” Wikileaks. 7 April 2011.

5. 5.“Martinelli’s Wish is Supreme Court’s Command: Attorney General Suspended.” Wikileaks. 7 April 2011.

6. 6. Otero, José. “Pulseo entre procuradores.” La Prensa. 30 October 2009. Corporación La Prensa.

7. 7. Jackson, Eric. “The sleaze factor.” The Panama News. 22 December 2010.

8. 8. Lynch, Linnet. “Conceden fianza a Eva Lorentz.” La Estrella. 26 January 2011. Panama Star S.A.

9. 9. Kerekes, Neir Carrasco. “PAMAGO, La Conspiración contra Ana M. Gómez.” Alternativa. 31 March 2011. WordPress.

10. 10. Alvarado, Nicanor and Zelideth Cortez. “Antinori, el primer caído de PAMAGO.” La Estrella. 26 March 2011. Panama Star S.A.

11. 11. Díaz, Juan Manuel. “Revocan fianza dada por Zulay Rodríguez.” La Prensa. 4 August 2010. Corporación La Prensa.

12. 12. Lynch, Linnet. “‘José Abel Almengor lo controla todo’: Zulay.” La Estrella. 5 July 2010. Panama Star S.A.

13. 13. Kerekes, Neir Carrasco. “PAMAGO, la conspiración contra Gómez.” La Estrella. 21 March 2011. Panama Star S.A.

14. 14. Maxwell, Magda. “Caso Rancharán a la palestra.” TVN Noticias. 7 April 2011. Televisora Nacional S.A.

15. 15. “Sociedad Civil repudia archivo de expediente contra Almengor.” La Estrella. 19 April 2011. Panama Star S.A.

16. 16. “MP no investigará denuncias.” La Prensa. 20 April 2011. Corporación La Prensa.

17. 17. Díaz, Juan Manuel. “Fiscalía Quinta pide videos con denuncias de exjueza.” La Prensa. 23 April 2011. Corporación La Prensa.

18. 18. “Mounting Opposition to Martinelli’s Likely Supreme Court Nominees.” Wikileaks. 7 April 2011.

19. 19. Jackson, Eric. “DMG: a political, media and death squad scandal.” The Panama News. 25 November 2010.

20. 20. “Tocumen International Airport Flying High But Corruption Causing Drag.” Wikileaks. 11 January 2011.

21. 21. Campagnani, Mixela. “Abren proceso disciplinario contra el fiscal de drogas Josa Abel Almengor.” Radio Panama. 27 March 2009.

22. 22. Melo, Gricelda. “Caso Murcia vincula a más de dos personas.” TVN Noticias. 15 April 2011. Televisora Nacional S.A.

23. 23. “Archivan proceso de lavado de activos contra David Murcia en Panamá.” Semana. 14 September 2010. Publicaciones Semana S.A.

24. 24. Salazar, Carlos. “Primos de presidente comprometen al Gobierno de Panamá.” El Pais. 13 May 2010.

25. 25. “Tocumen International Airport Flying High But Corruption Causing Drag.” Wikileaks. 11 January 2011.

26. 26. Prieto-Barreiro, Ereida. “Martinelli niega que sea primo de César Fábrega.” PAdigital.

27. 27. Rodríguez, Isidro. “Fiscalía esperaba a Martinelli Corro.” La Estrella. 21 November 2009. Panama Star S.A.

28. 28. Prieto-Barreiro, Ereida. “Fallece primo del Presidente preso en México por lavado.” PAdigital.

29. 29. Alfaro, Julio. “Gobierno opta por desestimar las fotografías.” La Estrella. 14 May 2010. Panama Star S.A.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Spirited Campaign against the SOA-WHINSEC Goes On

1. "What Is the SOA?" SOA Watch: Close the School of the Americas. Web. 03 Mar. 2011. .

2. "Training Institution Overview." Just The Facts. Center For International Policy. Web. 03 Mar. 2011. .

3. "WHINSEC Course Catalog." Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. The United States Army | Fort Benning. Web. 03 Mar. 2011. .

4. "’There Were No Abuses. We Have Never Taught Torture,’ Army Commandant Asserts." SOA Watch: Close the School of the Americas. Web. 03 Mar. 2011. .

5. "WHINSEC Quick Facts." Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. The United States Army | Fort Benning. Web. 03 Mar. 2011. .

6. "U.S. Aid from International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, Entire Region, 2007-2012." Just The Facts. Center For International Policy. Web. 03 Mar. 2011. .

7. School of the Americas Watch. "Notorious Graduates." SOA Watch. 2011.

8. School of the Americas Watch. "Notorious Graduates From El Salvador." SOA Watch. 2011.

9. "Report of the UN Truth Commission on El Salvador." La Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos. 1 Apr. 1993. Web. 3 Mar. 2011. .

10. Rials, Lee. "El Savador Truth Comission on Jesuit Murders Analysis." 2011.

11. "Perpetrators: El Salvador: The Jesuits Massacre Case." The Center for Justice and Accountability. Web. 03 Mar. 2011. .

12. "DoD SOA Manuals." The George Washington University. Web. 03 Mar. 2011. .

13. Ibid

14. "Pentagon Admits Use of Torture Manuals: Training Books Used for Latin Americans at Ft. Benning School | National Catholic Reporter." BNET - National Catholic Reporter. 04 Oct. 1996. Web. 03 Mar. 2011. .

15. Ibid

16. DoD. "Improper Material in Spanish-Language Intelligence Training Manuals." The George Washington University, 10 Mar. 1992. Web. 3 Mar. 2011. .

17. DoD. "Improper Material in Spanish-Language Intelligence Training Manuals." The George Washington University, 10 Mar. 1992. Web. 3 Mar. 2011. .

Authors Note: Mr. Lee Rials and Father Roy Bourgeois were spoken to via phone on 1/31/2011 and 2/2/2011 respectively.

Rials, Lee. "El Savador Truth Comission on Jesuit Murders Analysis." 2011.

School of the Americas Watch. "Notorious Graduates." SOA Watch. 2011.

—. "Notorious Graduates From El Salvador." SOA Watch. 2011.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Julissa Delgado: Law to Nowhere

1. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.“The Situation Of The Rights Of Women In Ciudad Juárez, Mexico: The Right To Be Free From Violence And Discrimination.”

2. Mexico. 20 January 2009 “Ley General de Acceso de las Mujeres a Una Vida Libre de Violencia.”

3. Alcántara, Liliana. "Falla Ley Contra El Feminicidio." El Jan. 31, 2011. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. .

4. El Jan. 31, 2011.

5. Secretary General, “In-depth Study on All Forms of Violence against Women.” Rep. United Nations, 2006. Print. (Secretary General, Section F. entitled ‘Challenges and obstacles,’ 23)

6. Margesson, Rhoda, Clare Seelke, Nina M. Serafino, Luisa Blanchfield, and Tiaji Salaam-Blyther. “International Violence Against Women: U.S. Response and Policy Issues.” Rep. no. RL34438. Congressional Research Service, 2009. Print. (Blanchfield, Margesson, Salaam-Blyther, Seelke, and Serafino, 24)

7. (Secretary General, 34)

8. United Nations. International Covenant on Civil and Human Rights Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee, Consideration of reports submitted by States Parties under article 40 of the Covenant Ninety-eighth session May, 2010.

9. Kristen J. Roe, "The Violence Against Women Act and Its Impact on Sexual Violence Public Policy: Looking Back and Looking Forward." National Alliance to End Sexual Violence (September 2004): 1-10.

10. Solis, Hilda. "Letter to Calderón." Letter to Mexican President Felipe Calderón. 8 Aug. 2007. MS.

11. United States. U.S.Department of Justice. Office on Violence Against Women. Biennial Report to Congress on the Effectiveness of Grant Programs Under the Violence Against Women Act, 2006. 2007. Print. (U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, 142)

12. (U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, 19)

13. (U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, 32)

14. El Jan. 31, 2011.

15. Meyer-Emerick, Nancy. "Policy Makers, Practitioners, Citizens: Perceptions of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994,." Administration & Society 33.629 (2002): 629-63. Print. (Meyer-Emerick, 659)

16. (Meyer-Emerick, 659)

17. (Mexico, Article 8 Section II).

18. “The Response to Rape: Detours on the Road to Equal Justice.” A Majority Staff Report Prepared for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 103rd Congress, First Session. U.S. Government Printing Office. May 1993. Page V

19. (Secretary General, 77).

20. (Meyer, 637).

21. Stolz, Barbara Ann. "Congress, Symbolic Politics and the Evolution of 1994 “Violence Against Women Act”." Criminal Justice Policy Review 10.3 (1999): 401-28. Print. (Stolz, 403).

22. Rea, Daniela. “Urgen reformar la ley promujeres.” El Mañ Jan 16, 2011. Web. 22 Feb. 2011.

23. (Stolz, 402)

24. NSVRC. “IVAWA Approved by Senate Committee.” Accessed 22 Feb. 2011.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Zoë Amerigian: Legalizing Pot--An Exit Strategy from the War on Drugs

1. Morgan, Scott. “Hillary Clinton Says Drugs Are Too Expensive for Legalization.” 2 Feb 2011. 2 Feb 2011.

2. Monitoring the Future. “Marijuana: Trends in Annual Use, Risk, Disapproval, and Availability.” 31 March 2011. 2010.

3. HHS. “Results from the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.” p 1. 31 March 2011. Sep 2010.

4. UNODC. “2010 Drug Report.” p. 188. 31 March 2011. 2010.

5. Ibid, p. 184.

6. Costa, Antonio Maria. UNODC. “The 51st Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.” 31 March 2011. 10 March 2008.

7. ONDCP. “The Economic Costs of Drug Abuse in the United States.” p xii. 31 Jan 2011. Dec 2004.

8. HHS. “Results from the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.” p 6. 31 Jan 2011. Sep 2010.

9. Hispanically Speaking News. “Former President of Mexico Wants to Legalize Drugs, Sepcifically Marijuana.” 31 Jan 2011. 21 Jan 2011.

10. Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy. “Drugs & Democracy: Toward a Paradigm Shift.” 31 Jan 2011. 2009.

11. Hispanically Speaking News. “Former President of Mexico Wants to Legalize Drugs, Specifically Marijuana.” 31 Jan 2011. 21 Jan 2011.

12. Costa, Antonio Maria. UNODC. “The 51st Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.” 31 Jan 2011. 1 March 2008.

13. Fainaru, Steve and William Booth. The Washington Post. “Cartels Face Economic Battle.” 2 Feb 2011. 7 Oct 2009. Luhnow, David. The Wall Street Journal. “Saving Mexico.” 8 Feb 2011. 26 Dec 2009. RAND Corporation. “Legalizing Marijuana in California Will Not Dramatically Reduce Mexican Drug Trafficking Revenues.” 8 Feb 2011. 21 Oct 2011.

14. Fainaru, Steve and William Booth. The Washington Post. “Cartels Face Economic Battle.” 2 Feb 2011. 7 Oct 2007.

15. UNODC. “2010 Drug Report.” p. 188. 31 Jan 2011. 2010.

16. “DEA Estimates of Domestic Marijuana Cultivation: Extent and Value.” 2 Feb 2011.

17. RAND Corporation. “Legalizing Marijuana in California Will Not Dramatically Reduce Mexican Drug Trafficking Revenues.” 8 Feb 2011. 21 Oct 2011.

18. RAND Corporation. “Legalizing Marijuana in California Will Not Dramatically Reduce Mexican Drug Trafficking Revenues.” 8 Feb 2011. 21 Oct 2011; UNODC. “2010 Drug Report.” p 4. 31 Jan 2011. 2010.

19. Costa, Antonio Maria. UNODC. “The 51st Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.” 31 Jan 2011. 1 March 2008.

20. Hall, Wayne. World Health Organization. “WHO Project on Health Implications of Cannabis Use.” 18 Feb 2011. 28 Aug 1995.

21. Drug Policy Library. “Drug Testing.” 22 Feb 2011.

22. Drug Abuse Warning Network. “National Estimates of Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits.” 16 Feb 2011. 23 Sep 2010.

23. Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute. “Helmet Related Statistics from Many Sources.” 16 Feb 2011. 2007.

24. British Medical Journal. “Cannabis intoxication and fatal road crashes in France: population based case-control study.” 2 Feb 2011. 27 Sep 2005.

25. DEA. “‘Medical’ Marijuana: The Facts.” 9 Feb 2011.

26. IOM. “Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base.” p 95. 31 Jan 2011. 1999.

27. Ibid. p 96.

28. Archives of General Psychiatry. “Cannabis Use and Earlier Onset of Psychosis.” 9 Feb 2011. 7 Feb 2011.

29. IOM. “Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base.” p 99. 31 Jan 2011. 1999.

30. The National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. “Marihuana – A Signal of Misunderstanding.” Ch 2, “Becoming a Multidrug User.” 31 Jan 2011. 1972.

31. IOM. “Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base.” p 6. 31 Jan 2011. 1999.

32. Ibid. p 105.

33. Ibid. p 95.

34. Ibid. p 105.

35. Archives of General Psychiatry. “Cannabis Use and Earlier Onset of Psychosis.” 7 Feb 2011.; Rabin, Roni Caryn. New York Times. “Marijuana Smokers Who Start Early are at Greatest Risk, Study Finds.” 15 Nov 2010.; Warner, Jennifer. WebMD. “Marijuana Use May Shrink the Brain.” 2 June 2008.; among others

36. IOM. “Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base.” p 90. 31 Jan 2011. 1999.

37. Ibid. p 95.

38. Ibid. p 113-114.

39. U.S. Department of Justice. “Crime in the United States: Table 29.” 31 Jan 2011. 2009.

40. U.S. Department of Justice. “Crime in the United States: Arrests.” 31 Jan 2011. 2009. -

31. Miron, Jeffrey A. Department of Economics, Harvard University. “The Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition.” 3 Feb 2011. June 2005.

42. Hardy, Quentin. Forbes. “Milton Friedman: Legalize It!” 31 Jan 2011. 2 June 2005.

43. NORML. “Marijuana Decriminalization and its Impact on Use.” 15 Feb 2011. 27 Feb 2010.

44. IOM. “Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base.” p 102. 31 Jan 2011. 1999; Belville, Russ. NORML. “Debunking Freakonomics Blog’s Alaskan Decriminalization Reefer Madness.” 8 Feb 2011. 27 May 2009.

45. RAND Corporation. “How Might Marijuana Legalization in California Affect Public Budgets and Marijuana Consumption?” 15 Feb 2011. 2010.

46. ONDCP. “The Economic Costs of Drug Abuse in the United States.” p vii. 31 Jan 2011. Dec 2004.

47. Ibid, ps viii, IV-4, x, III-19, III-18, III-8–III-11,

48. Miron, Jeffrey A. Department of Economics, Harvard University. “The Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition.” 3 Feb 2011. June 2005.

49. Cagnoni, Romano. TIME. “Drugs in Portugal. Did Decriminalization Work?” 15 Feb 2011. 26 April 2006.,8599,1893946,00.html

50. Fainaru, Steve and William Booth. The Washington Post. “Cartels Face Economic Battle.” 2 Feb 2011. 7 Oct 2009.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Michael Reaney: Peru's Less-Than-Benign Environmental Policy

1. Roberto Cortijo, “New species abound in Peru, but so do threats,”, December 28, 2010, (accessed January 27, 2011).

2. Roberto Cortijo, “New species abound in Peru, but so do threats,”, December 28, 2010, (accessed January 27, 2011).

3. Roberto Cortijo, “New species abound in Peru, but so do threats,”, December 28, 2010, (accessed January 27, 2011).

4. “Under Siege: Oil and Gas Concessions cover 41 Percent of the Peruvian Amazon,”, (accessed March 29, 2011).

5. “Peru,”, February 6, 2006, (accessed January 28, 2011).

6. “95% of mahogany from Peru is illegally logged says scientist,”, October 6,2005, (accessed January 27, 2011).

7. “95% of mahogany from Peru is illegally logged says scientist,”, October 6,2005, (accessed January 27, 2011).

8. Pervaze A. Sheikh, Congressional Research Service on Illegal Logging: Background and Issues, Order Code:RL33932. (accessed January 27, 2011).

9. “Outrage Over Peru-Brazil Energy Agreement,” International Rivers, June 17, 2010. (accessed January 27, 2011).

10.“Indigenous and Tribal Peoples: Peru,” International Labour Organization, (accessed February 8, 2011).

11. United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples, September 13, 2007,

12. “Declaration about the Consultation Process in Peru around the Forestry Law,” December 13, 2010, (accessed February 8, 2011).

13. “Declaration about the Consultation Process in Peru around the Forestry Law,” December 13, 2010, (accessed February 8, 2011).

14. “International: “Consultation process concerning the Forestry Act in Peru is questioned,” Servicios en Comunicacion Intercultural Servindi, December 14, 2010, (accessed February 8, 2011).

15. Office of the United States Trade Representative, Peru trade Promotion Agreement, April 12, 2006, (accessed January 28,2011).

16. “Raw Deal for Animals and the Environment: Statement in Opposition to the Revised Peru Free Trade Agreement,” (accessed April 8, 2011).

17. Travis McArthur and Todd Tucker, “A year after Implementation of Peru Free Trade Agreement, U.S. and Peru Left with Broken Promises and No New Trade Model,” Public Citizen, February 1, 2010, (accessed February 9, 2011).

18. Erik Wasson, “New Peru FTA Decrees Anger Civil Society Over Labor, Environment,” Inside U.S. Trade, July 4,2008.

19. Travis McArthur and Todd Tucker, “A year after Implementation of Peru Free Trade Agreement, U.S. and Peru Left with Broken Promises and No New Trade Model,” Public Citizen, February 1, 2010, (accessed February 9, 2011).

20. “Peruvian Police Accused of Massacring Indegenous Protestors in Amazon Jungle” Democracy Now! The War and Peace Report, June 08, 2008, (accessed January 28, 2011).

21. Carlos A. Quiroz, “Alan García Must Resign: criminal poised to continue indigenous slaughter and disintegrate Peru,” Intercontinental Cry, June 8, 2009, (accessed January 28, 2011)

22. “Peruvian Police Accused of Massacring Indegenous Protestors in Amazon Jungle” Democracy Now! The War and Peace Report, June 08, 2008,

23. “Uncontacted Tribes: the threats,” Survival International, (accessed February 3, 2011).

24. “Under Siege: Oil and Gas Concessions cover 41 Percent of the Peruvian Amazon,”, (accessed March 29, 2011).

25. Kevany, Sophie. “Peru Government Suspends All Work on Key Southern Copper Mine Study,” Dow Jones, April 6, 2011,

26. “Recession Proof,” The Economist, May 5, 2009, (accessed February 8, 2011).

27. University of Gothenburg: School Of Buisness, Economics, and Law, “Environmental and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean-Policy Brief,” 3rd Draft May 12, 2009,, 17-18 (accessed February 1, 2011).

28. University of Gothenburg: School Of Buisness, Economics, and Law, “Environmental and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean-Policy Brief,” 3rd Draft May 12, 2009,, 18 (accessed February 1, 2011).

29. Grudgings, Stuart. "Amazon Drought Caused Huge Carbon Emissions,", February 4, 2011, /pdf/News%20Monitoring%20-%20February_2011.pdf (accessed April 7, 2011).

30. Nick Sundt, “Another Extreme Drought hits the Amazon, Raising Climate Change Concerns,” Cimate Progress, November 26, 2010, /26/another-extreme-drought-hits-the-amazon-raising-climate-change-concerns/ (accessed February 10, 2011).

31. Erik German and Solana Pyne, “Rivers Run Dry as Drought Hits Amazon,” GlobalPost,,1 (accessed February 10, 2011).

32. Rhett A. Butler, “Atmospheric Role of Forests,” A Place Out of Time: Tropical Rainforests and the Perils They Face, January 9 2006, (accessed January 31, 2011).

33. David Braun, “Amazon Deforestation Slows as Brazil Tightens Prevention,” National Geographic, November 13, 2009, (acessed January 31, 2011).

34. “Brazil: Amazon Deforestation Falls to New Low,”, December 1, 2010, (accessed January 31, 2011).

35. David Braun, “Amazon Deforestation Slows as Brazil Tightens Prevention,” National Geographic, November 13, 2009, (acessed January 31, 2011).

36. "Outrage as Construction of Belo Monte Dam Illegally Approved,” Survival International: The Movement for Tribal Peoples, February 2, 2011, (accessed February 2, 2011).

37. AIDESEP to Antonio Brack Egg, Lima, September, 9,2010, Opinion of the second draft of the Readiness Proposal (RPP) of Peru for the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), Pres. Segundo Alberto Pizango Chota , (accessed January 31, 2011).

38. AIDESEP to Antonio Brack Egg, Lima, September, 9,2010, Opinion of the second draft of the Readiness Proposal (RPP) of Peru for the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), Pres. Segundo Alberto Pizango Chota , /aideseprppletterministryenvironmentsept2010tgengw.pdf (accessed January 31, 2011).

39. Rainner W. Bussmann & Douglas Sharon, “Traditional medicinal plant use in Northern Peru: tracking two thousand years of healing culture, November 7, 2006, (accessed February 8).

40. “García Cuts Taxes to Boost Popularity,” Latin News, February 10, 2011, (accessed February 10, 2011).

41. “García Cuts Taxes to Boost Popularity,” Latin News, February 10, 2011, (accessed February 10, 2011).

42. “Peru Approves 33 Projects Without Environmental Assessments,” Living in Peru, February 7, 2011, (accessed February 10, 2011).

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Zoë Amerigian: Radio and TV Martí Should Be Prime Target for Budget Cutters

1. Broadcasting Board of Governors, “Annual Reports” 2000-2009.

2. CNN Wire Staff. “House votes to stop NPR funding.” 17 Mar 2011.

3. Government Accountability Office. “Broadcasting in Cuba: Actions are Needed to Improve Strategy and Operations.” Jan 2009.

4. Ibid.

5. Committee on Foreign Relations. “Cuba: Immediate Action is Needed to Ensure the Survivability of Radio and TV Martí” April 2010.

6. Ibid.

7. Voice of America. “About Us.”

8. Government Accountability Office. “Broadcasting in Cuba: Actions are Needed to Improve Strategy and Operations.” Jan 2009.

9. Ibid; Committee on Foreign Relations. “Cuba: Immediate Action is Needed to Ensure the Survivability of Radio and TV Martí” April 2010.

10. Committee on Foreign Relations. “Cuba: Immediate Action is Needed to Ensure the Survivability of Radio and TV Martí” April 2010.

11. Müller, Alberto. Noticias Martí. “Sondeo de Veritas muestra cómo los cubanos ven al partido comunisto.”

12. Government Accountability Office. “Broadcasting in Cuba: Actions are Needed to Improve Strategy and Operations.” Jan 2009.

13. Ibid

Friday, April 01, 2011

Mike Reaney: Peru Set to Deliver a Massive Repudiation of the García Presidency

1. Carla salazar, “Toledo Favored to Repeat as Peru's President”, March 23, 2011, (accessed March 30, 2011).

2. Chávez, Enrique. “Toledo Runs Again: An Interview with Peru's Ex-President,” November 16, 2010, (accessed March 30, 2011)

3. Indacochea, Carlos, McClintock, Cynthia, Youngers, Coletta. “Peru’s 2011 Elections: Perspectives on the Campaign and Prospects For the First Round.” Latin American and Hemispheric Studies Program, Washington, D.C. March 29, 2011.

4. Otis, John. 'Peru: The Return of Fujimori,” GlobalPost, (accessed March 29, 2011).

5. Indacochea, Carlos, McClintock, Cynthia, Youngers, Coletta. “Peru’s 2011 Elections: Perspectives on the Campaign and Prospects For the First Round.” Latin American and Hemispheric Studies Program, Washington, D.C. March 29, 2011.

6. Indacochea, Carlos, McClintock, Cynthia, Youngers, Coletta. “Peru’s 2011 Elections: Perspectives on the Campaign and Prospects For the First Round.” Latin American and Hemispheric Studies Program, Washington, D.C. March 29, 2011.

7. Riveros-Cayo, Jorge. “Polls: Humala and PPK Surge; Casańeda Falls,” March 21, 2011, (accessed March 30, 2011).