Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Peeling Back the Truth on Guatemalan Bananas

1. Dan Koeppel, Banana-the Fate of the Fruit that Changed the World (New York, NY: Penguin Group, 2008). [Hereafter: (Koeppel, 2008).]

2. Banana Republic was first used by O. Henry, Cabbages and Kings

3. (Koeppel, 2008).

4. P. Landmeier, Banana Republic: The United Fruit Company, April 22, 2010, (accessed June 15, 2010).

5. T. Barry, Roots of Rebellion (Boston, MA: South End Press, 1987).

6. Commonly known as the Truth Commission.

7. Guatemala Human Rights Commission / USA, Labor Rights in Guatemala, October 25, 2009, (accessed May 21, 2010). [Hereafter: (GHRC 2009).]

8. Information found from personal exploration of grocery stores around the U.S. Maybe state this in a more informal way in the sentence, perhaps… “those who frequent grocery stores may notice that prices do not vary much…”

9., Banana US Price Chart, June 10, 2010, (accessed June 16, 2010). No guarantee as to the accuracy of this statistic.


11. A German company that at the time was owned by Dole.


13. Not including the companies’ extra profits.

14. Office of the United States Trade Representative, Guatemala, July 23, 2009, (accessed May 21, 2010).

15. This information is from an interview with Manuela Chavéz and the documentation she provided.

16. (GHRC 2009).

17. 40% of the population does not even receive minimum wage. UNDP, Human Development Report, 2005

18. (GHRC 2009).

19. (US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2008)

20. (GHRC 2009).

21. (GHRC 2009).

22. Reports differ depending on the newspaper and article.

23. Freedom of Association and collective violation (ILO)

24. At minimum, kindergarten.

25. From an interview with Manuela Chavéz on June 10, 2010

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