Monday, October 18, 2010

Seeds of Change in Little Havana: Fresh Perspectives Eventually Emerge in the Cuban Exile Community

1 Torres, Maria. 1999. In the Land of Mirrors - Cuban Exile Politics in the United States Michigan: University of Michigan Press.

2 Bishin, Benjamin et al. 2009. ‘Miami Dade’s Cuban-American Voters in the 2008 Election’ Cuban Affairs 4(1).

3 Pilley, Anna-Claire. 2000. The Elian Gonzalez Case and Cuban American Political Culture MA Dissertation. Institute for the Study of the Americas.

4 Perez Jr, Louis A. 1994. Essays on Cuban History: Historiography and Research Gainesville: University of Florida Press.

5 Torres, 1999.

6 Gomez, Andy and Eugenio M. Rothe. 2004. ‘Value Orientations and Opinions of Recently Arrived Cubans in Miami’ University of Miami. Available at [Accessed July 28th, 2010].

7 The Florida Times-Union. ‘Many Younger Cuban-Americans Splitting with Parents on Politics’ October 31st, 2004. Available at [Accessed July 21st, 2010].

8 Bishin et al, 2009.

9 Gomez, Andy. 2010. ‘New Trends in the Cuban-American Community (Poll)’ Available at [Accessed August 20th, 2010].

10 Bishin, Benjamin et al. 2008. ‘What to Expect from the Cuban-American Electorate’ Cuban Affairs 3(3).

11 Interview with senior fellow at the Centre for Cuban and Cuban American Studies, University of Miami. Held on 7th June.

12 Bendixen & Associates. 2009. National Poll on Cubans and Cuban-Americans on Changes to Cuba Policy Available at [Accessed June 7th, 2010].

13 Interview with founding member of ‘Youth for a Free Cuba’ group at the University of Miami. Held on 14th June.

14 LatinoResearch. 2004. ‘Anti-Castro Political Ideology among Cuban-Americans in the Miami Area: Cohort and Generational Differences’ Available at [Accessed August 10th, 2010].

15 Molyneux, Maxine. 1999. ‘The Politics of the Cuban Diaspora in the United States’ in Victor Bulmer Thomas and James Dunkerly ed. The US and Latin America: The New Agenda London: Institute for Latin American Studies.

16 Interview with senior fellow at the Centre for Cuban and Cuban American Studies, University of Miami. Held on 7th June.

17 Interview with former committee member of Free Cuba Foundation. Held on 3rd June.

18 Interview with former President of the Free Cuba Foundation at Florida International University. Held on 4th June.

19 Los Angeles Times. ‘A Last Gasp of the Émigré Old Guards’ April 2nd, 2000.

20 The Observer. ‘Elian Gonzales and the Cuban Crisis: Fallout from a Big Row over a Little Boy’ February 21st 2010.

21 Ibid, 2010.

22 Molyneux, 1999.

23 Entrepreneur. ‘Exile Groups Implosion Could Mean Loss of Influence in Washington’ August 21st, 2001. Available at [Accessed August 10th, 2010].

24 The Observer, 2010.

25 Cuban American National Foundation. 2009. ‘A New Course for Cuban Policy: Advancing People Driven Change’ Available at [Accessed July 10th, 2010].

26 Florida International University. 2007. ‘Cuba Poll’ Available at [Accessed July 23rd, 2010].

Friday, October 15, 2010

Chile’s Lesser Told Story: The Mapuche Hunger Strike

1 Luis Campos. “Los mapuches no son cubanos. 34 es más que 33.” El Clarín. 24 Sept. 2010. Translated from the Spanish by Alexandra Reed. Original: “Más enterrados que los propios mineros, las demandas y los derechos de los indígenas continúan siendo transgredidos y no reconocidos en nuestros país.”

2 Ruth Collins. "The Untold Story of the Mapuche Hunger Strike." New Statesman Rolling Blog. 15 Sept. 2010.

3 “Chile: Piñera anuncia cambios en reglamentación minera a fin de garantizar seguridad.” Revista Generacción. 24 Aug. 2010.

4 For a more detailed analysis of Chile’s anti-terrorism legislation and its relation to Mapuche activism, please see COHA Research Associate Elizabeth Benjamin’s November 29th article entitled “Chile Invokes Pinochet Era Anti-Terrorism Law Against Mapuche Demonstrators.”

5 “Chile: Terror Law Violates Due Process for Mapuche.” Human Rights Watch. 27 Oct. 2004.

6 Martín Romero. “Piñera: ‘Huelga de hambre es un medio de presión ilegítimo’” La Nación, 8 Sept. 2010. Translated from the Spanish by Alexandra Reed. Original: “una huelga de hambre es un instrumento de presión ilegitimo en democracia.”

7 “Tomaron el camino equivocado.” El Mercurio de Antofagasta. 19 Sept. 2010. Translated from the Spanish by Alexandra Reed. Original: "No confundamos al pueblo mapuche que está participando de este Bicentenario, con la situación de 34 comuneros que han elegido un camino equivocado. El país que vamos a construir se hace con diálogo, unidad y trabajo, no con violencia ni huelga de hambre."

8 J. Peñailillo, M. Donoso and F. Palomera. “Gobierno retira querellas y mayoría de mapuches depone huelga tras 82 días.” La Tercera. 2 Oct. 2010.

9 Note: This number varies from 10 to 14 depending on the source. “Confirman que son 14 los presos políticos mapuches que siguen en huelga de hambre”Azkintuwe, 5 Oct. 2010.

10 “Confirman que son 14 los presos políticos mapuches que siguen en huelga de hambre”Azkintuwe, 5 Oct. 2010. Translated from the Spanish by Alexandra Reed. Original: “Ahí existe una intención, pero no una cuestión concreta. Esa intención una vez depuesta la huelga podría quedar en nada.”

11 “Mapuches logran acuerdo con el gobierno y últimos presos deponen huelga de hambre,” Azkintuwe, 9 Oct. 2010.

12 Rodriguez, Patricia. Assistant Professor of Politics, Ithaca College. E-mail interview. 7 Oct. 2010.

13 Rodriguez.

14 José Bengoa qtd. in Pedro Cayuqueo. “El terrorismo siempre es y ha sido una construcción del Estado.” Azkintuwe, 9 Aug. 2010. Translated from the Spanish by Alexandra Reed. Original: “El terrorismo del sur fue repetido sin pensar por los canales de televisión que construyeron de modo irresponsable la imagen de ingobernabilidad. Los Gobiernos de la Concertación, siempre temerosos de lo que les dijera el Diario El Mercurio, asumieron en la práctica que se trataba de terrorismo y aplicaron la famosa y maldita ley. Así la espiral ha seguido.”

15 Richard Miranda V. “Bachelet: ‘La manera de avanzar es el diálogo.” La Nación. 16 Sept. 2010.

16 Mapuches: Frei solidariza con comuneros y Piñera acusa terrorismo.” La Nación. 14 Aug. 2010. Translated from the Spanish by Alexandra Reed. Original: “En la Araucanía se han cometido hechos de terrorismo y el gobierno en vez de aplicar la Ley Antiterrorista, salvo en dos excepciones, hace la vista gorda y cuando el gobierno esconde la cabeza, la gente piensa que puede seguir actuando con impunidad.”

17 “Plan Araucanía.” Gobierno de Chile. Nov. 2009.
7 Estrada, Daniela. “Society's Incomprehension Fuels Mapuche Hunger Strike.” IPS. 29 Sept. 2010.

19 Rodriguez.

20 “Voceros mapuches valoran resultados de cita con máxima autoridad judicial chilena.” Azkintuwe. 7 Oct. 2010, Translated from the Spanish by Alexandra Reed. Originla: “Esta no es una huelga solo por beneficios carcelarios, busca poner en la agenda del gobierno el tema de nuestros derechos territoriales."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mexico’s New War: Sex Trafficking


2 Ugarte, Marisa B., Laura Zarate, and Melissa Farley. "Prostitution and Trafficking of Women and Children from Mexico to the United States." Journal of Trauma Practice 2.3/4 (2003): 147-165. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 29 Sept. 2010.

3 Ugarte, Marisa B., Laura Zarate, and Melissa Farley. "Prostitution and Trafficking of Women and Children from Mexico to the United States." Journal of Trauma Practice 2.3/4 (2003): 147-165. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 29 Sept. 2010.


5 Ugarte, Marisa B., Laura Zarate, and Melissa Farley. "Prostitution and Trafficking of Women and Children from Mexico to the United States." Journal of Trauma Practice 2.3/4 (2003): 147-165. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 29 Sept. 2010.






Monday, October 11, 2010

Sunrise Over South America: The Changing Face of Socialism in the 21st Century

i Weisbrot, Mark, Rebecca Ray, and Luis Sandoval. “The Chávez Administration at 10 Years: The Economy and Social Indicators”. Center for Economic and Policy Research, February, 2009.

ii Skidmore, Thomas, Peter Smith, and James Green. “Modern Latin America”. Seventh Edition. Oxford University Press, 2010. Page 240.

iii Cardenas, Mauricio, Eduardo Levy-Yeyati, with Camila Henao. “Brookings Latin America Economic Perspectives”. Latin America Initiative at Brookings. September 2010.

iv Weisbrot, Mark. “Venezuela: This was about the taking part”. Guardian Unlimited, at , accessed September 29, 2010.

v Skidmore, Thomas, Peter Smith, and James Green. “Modern Latin America”. Seventh Edition. Oxford University Press, 2010. Page 102.

vi Burbach, Roger. “Et Tu, Daniel? The Sandinista Revolution Betrayed”. NACLA Report on the Americas. March/April 2009. Page 36.

vii Burbach, Roger. “Et Tu, Daniel? The Sandinista Revolution Betrayed”. NACLA Report on the Americas. March/April 2009. Material from entire article cited throughout paragraph.

viii Ibid.


x, accessed October 4, 2010

xi Skidmore, Thomas, Peter Smith, and James Green. “Modern Latin America”. Seventh Edition. Oxford University Press, 2010. Pages 177-178.

xii Ibid, Pages 181-182.

xiii Trujillo, Amparo. “EVO MORALES”. Americas, Jul/Aug 2007, Vol. 59 Issue 4. Page 17-18.

xiv Webber, Jeffery. “Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia. Part II: Revolutionary Epoch, Combined Liberation and the December 2005 Elections”. Historical Materialism 16, 2008.

xv as of September 22, 2010.

xvi Revolution! Please give generously. Economist, 4/25/2009, Vol. 390, Issue 8628.

xvii Correa’s curriculum. Economist, 8/22/2009, Vol. 392, Issue 8645.

xviii Conaghan, Catherine M. “Ecuador: Correa’s Plebiscitary Presidency”. Journal of Democracy. April 2008, Vol. 19, Issue 2, pages 55-56, cited throughout paragraph
xix Ibid.

xx Ameringer, Charles. “The Cuban Revolution”. The Socialist Impulse: Latin America in the Twentieth Century. University Press of Florida, 2009. Page 152.

xxi Ibid, Page 206.


xxiii Dominguez, Francisco. “ALBA: Latin America’s anti-imperialist economic project”. August 10th, 2006. Accessed at on September 27, 2010.

xxiv Hornbeck, J.F. “U.S.-Latin America Trade: Recent Trends and Policy Issues”. Congressional Research Service, June 25th, 2010. Page 6.

xxv Dominguez, Francisco. “ALBA: Latin America’s anti-imperialist economic project”. August 10th, 2006. Accessed at on September 27, 2010.

xxvi, accessed on September 27, 2010.

xxvii accessed on September 27, 2010.

Friday, October 01, 2010

All Eyes on Brazil

