1 http://www.newsroompanama.com/business/legal/1434-interpretinglaw-30-the-sausage-law-a-challenge-to-democracy.html
2 http://www.coha.org/panama’s-unraveling-democracy-the-social-cost-of-martinelli’s-chorizo-law/
3 http://www.prensa.com/hoy/panorama/2388410.asp
4 http://www.culturalsurvival.org/news/panama/campaign-update-panamanian-president-agrees-revoke-law-30
5 http://www.panama-guide.com/article.php/20100711182056939
6 http://mostlywater.org/panama_general_strike_rejects_killings_antilabor_laws
7 http://www.newsroompanama.com/business/legal/1434-interpretinglaw-30-the-sausage-law-a-challenge-to-democracy.html?start=1
8 Ibid, The Panama News.
9 http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2026938,00.html#ixzz15604jbFR
10 http://www.culturalsurvival.org/news/panama/campaign-update-panamanian-president-agrees-revoke-law-30
11 http://www.thepanamanews.com/pn/v_16/issue_11/news_01.html
12 http://www.culturalsurvival.org/news/panama/campaign-update-panamanian-president-agrees-revoke-law-30
13 http://www.thepanamanews.com/pn/v_16/issue_11/news_01.html
14 http://www.newsroompanama.com/panama/1588-martinellis-approval-rating-crashes-and-cabinet-follows-suit.html
15 http://www.panama-guide.com/article.php/20101016135207235
16 http://es.noticias.yahoo.com/9/20101116/twl-la-popularidad-de-martinelli-sube-4-e1e34ad.html
17 Jackson, Eric: E-Mail Interview, December 1, 2010
18 http://mensual.prensa.com/mensual/contenido/2010/10/07/uhora/local_2010100718023626.asp
19 http://en.rsf.org/panama-absurd-and-dangerous-ruling-bans-07-10-2010,38510.html
20 http://mensual.prensa.com/mensual/contenido/2010/10/07/uhora/local_2010100718023626.asp
21 http://www.panama-guide.com/article.php/20101119111847527
22 http://en.rsf.org/panama-absurd-and-dangerous-ruling-bans-07-10-2010,38510.html
23 http://cpj.org/2010/10/in-panama-defamation-conviction-draws-outcry.php
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Monday, December 06, 2010
Joseph Crupi: Haiti's Election Debacle
1 http://www.laprensasa.com/2.0/3/309/930638/America-in-English/2-Die-in-Haiti-election-violence.html
2 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/centralamericaandthecaribbean/haiti/8164791/Attacks-in-Haiti-in-last-hours-before-election.html
3 http://www.oas.org/en/media_center/press_release.asp?sCodigo=E-461/10
4 http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2010/11/28/haiti-election-candidates457.html
5 http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1772-haiti-elections-mirlande-manigat-said-that-frauds-are-at-the-benefit-of-inite.html
6 http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/world/208577/election-chaos-in-haiti-as-candidates-cry-foul
7 http://caracas.eluniversal.com/2010/11/30/int_ava_martelly-y-manigat-e_30A4795097.shtml
8 http://www.progressive.org/mpdanto120110.html
9 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/29/AR2010112905619.html
10 http://www.aaj.tv/2010/11/haiti-elections-going-well-un-mission-chief/
11 http://www.latinnews.com/lwr/LWR22480.asp?instance=1
2 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/centralamericaandthecaribbean/haiti/8164791/Attacks-in-Haiti-in-last-hours-before-election.html
3 http://www.oas.org/en/media_center/press_release.asp?sCodigo=E-461/10
4 http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2010/11/28/haiti-election-candidates457.html
5 http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1772-haiti-elections-mirlande-manigat-said-that-frauds-are-at-the-benefit-of-inite.html
6 http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/world/208577/election-chaos-in-haiti-as-candidates-cry-foul
7 http://caracas.eluniversal.com/2010/11/30/int_ava_martelly-y-manigat-e_30A4795097.shtml
8 http://www.progressive.org/mpdanto120110.html
9 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/29/AR2010112905619.html
10 http://www.aaj.tv/2010/11/haiti-elections-going-well-un-mission-chief/
11 http://www.latinnews.com/lwr/LWR22480.asp?instance=1
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Geoff LeGrand: Bienvenido Señor Ahmadinejad: Tehran’s Expanding Latin American Grid
1 Farah, Douglas. "Iran in Latin America: An Overview." In Iran in Latin America: Threat or "Axis of Annoyance", Cynthia Arnson, Haleh Esfandiari, and Adam Stubits. Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Wilson Center for International Scholars, 2008, 13 and Dodson, Michael and Manochehr Dorraj. “Populism and Foreign Policy in Venezuela and Iran.” The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, 2008, 71-87. http://blogs.shu.edu/diplomacy/files/archives/08%20Dodson.pdf
2 Brun, Elodie. "Iran's Place in Venezuelan Foreign Policy." In Iran in Latin America: Threat or "Axis of Annoyance", Cynthia Arnson, Haleh Esfandiari, and Adam Stubits, 35-49. Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Wilson Center for International Scholars, 2008, 35
3 Douglas 2008, 13
4 "Mexico; Energy cooperation agreement with Iran - with emphasis on nuclear energy." Voice of the Republic of Iran. Tehran, 1991.Retreived from LexisNexis.
5 “Member States.” Organization of the Islamic Conference. http://www.oic-oci.org/member_states.asp
6 Frasco, Robert and Ariel Farrar-Wellman, “Argentina-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/argentina-iran-foreign-relations
7 "Iran Triples Latin American Trade To US $2.9 Billion." Santiago Times. Santiago, 2009. http://www.santiagotimes.cl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=17784:iran-triples-latin-american-trade-to-us29-billion&catid=48:other&Itemid=122.
8 “Hillary Clinton fails to convince Brazil to support Iran sanctions.” Christian Science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Americas/2010/0304/Hillary-Clinton-fails-to-convince-Brazil-to-support-Iran-sanctions, “Iran signs nuclear fuel-swap deal with Turkey.” BBC news. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8685846.stm,
9 “Ecuador, Iran agree to build 3 hydroelectric centers.” China People’s Daily.2010 http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90777/90852/6913478.html
10 Arsenault, Chris “Venezuela's multi-polar disorder.” Al Jazeera 2010. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/features/2010/10/20101021235410120197.html
11 “Iran, Bolivia united against imperialism” Press TV 2010. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/148405.html, “No uranium plan with Iran: Bolivia” Press TV 2010. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/149155.html
12 "Iran , Venezuela vow to form anti-imperialism front."Press TV. 2009. http://www.presstv.com/detail.aspx?id=105376§ionid=351020101.
13 Farah 2008, 15
14 Iran Economic Indicators. European Union http://ec.europa.eu/trade/creating-opportunities/bilateral-relations/countries/iran/
15 Perez-Stable, Marifeli. "Brazil key to curbing Iran's influence" Miami Herald. Miami, 2010. http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/04/23/1593789/brazil-key-to-curbing-irans-influence.html
16 "Iran Triples Latin American Trade To US $2.9 Billion."
17 Maradiaga, Félix and Javier Melendez “Iranian-Nicaraguan Relations Under the Sandinista Government.” In In Iran in Latin America: Threat or "Axis of Annoyance", Cynthia Arnson, Haleh Esfandiari, and Adam Stubits. Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas.
18 Farah 2008, 14-15
19 “Iran to transfer technology to Venezuela.”PressTV.2010. http://edition.presstv.ir/detail/147379.html
20 Javad Heydarian, Richard ”Iran’s Adventures in Latin America.” Foreign Policy in Focus.2010.
21 “Iran loans 200 million euros to Bolivia.” PressTV. 2010. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/140857.html and Frasco, Robert and Ariel Farrar-Wellman, “Bolivia-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/bolivia-iran-foreign-relations
22 Farrar-Wellman, Ariel “Ecuador-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/ecuador-iran-foreign-relations
23 Farrar-Wellman, Ariel “Cuba-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/cuba-iran-foreign-relations
24 “Argentina-Iran Foreign Relations” and Farrar-Wellman, Ariel “Chile-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/Chile-iran-foreign-relations
25 Farrar-Wellman, Ariel “Brazil-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/Brazil-iran-foreign-relations
26 Farrar-Wellman, Ariel “Mexico-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/Mexico-iran-foreign-relations
27 Nasseri, Ladane "Iran Khodro to Make More Cars in Senegal, Venezuela" Bloomberg.2006. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-10-11/iran-khodro-to-make-more-cars-in-senegal-venezuela.html
28 Farah, Douglas. "Iran In The Western Hemisphere." Testimony Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittees on the Western Hemisphere The Middle East Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade. October 2009. http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/111/fara102709.pdf
29 "MP says Iran should not invest in Latin America." Aftab-e Yazd. 2009. Retrieved from LexisNexis, "Iranian MP defends president's policies in Latin America." Press TV 2009. Retrieved from LexisNexis.
30 Richard, Ivan. "Presidential advisor says Brazil ‘not defending’ Iran" Agencia Brasil. Brasilia, 2010, Janiot, Patricia and Juan Munoz. “President-elect: Brazil will keep Iran ties, remain global player” CNN http://articles.cnn.com/2010-11-04/world/brazil.rousseff.interview_1_president-luiz-inacio-lula-jose-serra-brazilian-women?_s=PM:WORLD and “Brazil president-elect speaks against Iran stoning.” Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/03/AR2010110305762.html
31 "Iranian official says Argentine remarks 'move to promote Zionist regime's aims'." Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Network 1. Tehran, 1997, Alconada Mon, Hugo. Retrieved from LexisNexis, "The Shadow of Iran in Argentina Takes on a Suspicious Shape." in Iran in Latin America: Threat or "Axis of Annoyance, Cynthia Arnson, Haleh Esfandiari, and Adam Stubits, 51-64. Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Wilson Center for International Scholars, 2008.
32 Farah 2008, 14-15
33 Ibid, 16
34 Ibid
35 O'Connor, Anne-Marie, and Mary Beth Sheridan. "Iran's Invisible Nicaragua Embassy; Feared Stronghold Never Materialized" Washington Post 2009. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/07/12/AR2009071202337.html
36 "Iran Latin America confab sees expansion of commercial ties." Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran Network 1. 2008. Retrieved from LexisNexis, "Iran , Latin America construct new world system” PressTV 2008, http://edition.presstv.ir/detail/68734.html "Venezuela ' s Chavez attends unveiling of Simon Bolivar statue in Tehran." Iranian News Agency (IRNA), 2004. Retrieved from LexisNexis.
37 For example, see Iran and Latin America: Ayatollahs in the Backyard. The Economist.2009. http://www.economist.com/node/14969124?story_id=14969124
38 Gertz, Bill. "Iran boosts Qods shock troops in Venezuela ; Pentagon predicts U . S . clash with Islamist paramilitary.” Washington Times. 2010. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/apr/21/iran-boosts-qods-shock-troops-in-venezuela/
39 Farah 2008, 17
40 Ibid
41 Melman, Yossi. "Argentina: Iran behind bombs at Israeli embassy, Jewish center" Haaretz, 2007. http://www.haaretz.com/news/argentina-iran-behind-bombs-at-israeli-embassy-jewish-center-1.235493
42 Hennigan, Tom. "US fears over Iranian presence in Latin America." Irish Times, 2010. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/world/2010/0424/1224269035362.html
43 For more in depth examination of the general implications of the development of an “Axis of Oil” see: Leverett, Flynt. The New Axis of Oil. New America Foundation, 2006. http://www.newamerica.net/publications/articles/2006/the_new_axis_of_oil and Stelzer, Irwin M. "The Axis of Oil." Weekly Standard, 2005. www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/.../200alybw.asp
44 For example, see Walser, Ray. “What to Do about Hugo Chavez: Venezuela's Challenge to Security in the Americas.” Heritage Foundation, 2009. http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2009/02/what-to-do-about-hugo-chaacutevez-venezuelas-challenge-to-security-in-the-americas
45 Karmon 2009, 14
46 Farah 2009
47 Walser 2009
48 Farah 2008, 15
49 Abn, Tamara Pearson. "North American Imperialism and the Extreme Right are Behind Coup in Honduras: Chavez." Venezuelaanalysis.com, 2010. http://venezuelaanalysis.com/news/4555.
50 Leverett 2005
2 Brun, Elodie. "Iran's Place in Venezuelan Foreign Policy." In Iran in Latin America: Threat or "Axis of Annoyance", Cynthia Arnson, Haleh Esfandiari, and Adam Stubits, 35-49. Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Wilson Center for International Scholars, 2008, 35
3 Douglas 2008, 13
4 "Mexico; Energy cooperation agreement with Iran - with emphasis on nuclear energy." Voice of the Republic of Iran. Tehran, 1991.Retreived from LexisNexis.
5 “Member States.” Organization of the Islamic Conference. http://www.oic-oci.org/member_states.asp
6 Frasco, Robert and Ariel Farrar-Wellman, “Argentina-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/argentina-iran-foreign-relations
7 "Iran Triples Latin American Trade To US $2.9 Billion." Santiago Times. Santiago, 2009. http://www.santiagotimes.cl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=17784:iran-triples-latin-american-trade-to-us29-billion&catid=48:other&Itemid=122.
8 “Hillary Clinton fails to convince Brazil to support Iran sanctions.” Christian Science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Americas/2010/0304/Hillary-Clinton-fails-to-convince-Brazil-to-support-Iran-sanctions, “Iran signs nuclear fuel-swap deal with Turkey.” BBC news. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8685846.stm,
9 “Ecuador, Iran agree to build 3 hydroelectric centers.” China People’s Daily.2010 http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90777/90852/6913478.html
10 Arsenault, Chris “Venezuela's multi-polar disorder.” Al Jazeera 2010. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/features/2010/10/20101021235410120197.html
11 “Iran, Bolivia united against imperialism” Press TV 2010. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/148405.html, “No uranium plan with Iran: Bolivia” Press TV 2010. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/149155.html
12 "Iran , Venezuela vow to form anti-imperialism front."Press TV. 2009. http://www.presstv.com/detail.aspx?id=105376§ionid=351020101.
13 Farah 2008, 15
14 Iran Economic Indicators. European Union http://ec.europa.eu/trade/creating-opportunities/bilateral-relations/countries/iran/
15 Perez-Stable, Marifeli. "Brazil key to curbing Iran's influence" Miami Herald. Miami, 2010. http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/04/23/1593789/brazil-key-to-curbing-irans-influence.html
16 "Iran Triples Latin American Trade To US $2.9 Billion."
17 Maradiaga, Félix and Javier Melendez “Iranian-Nicaraguan Relations Under the Sandinista Government.” In In Iran in Latin America: Threat or "Axis of Annoyance", Cynthia Arnson, Haleh Esfandiari, and Adam Stubits. Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas.
18 Farah 2008, 14-15
19 “Iran to transfer technology to Venezuela.”PressTV.2010. http://edition.presstv.ir/detail/147379.html
20 Javad Heydarian, Richard ”Iran’s Adventures in Latin America.” Foreign Policy in Focus.2010.
21 “Iran loans 200 million euros to Bolivia.” PressTV. 2010. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/140857.html and Frasco, Robert and Ariel Farrar-Wellman, “Bolivia-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/bolivia-iran-foreign-relations
22 Farrar-Wellman, Ariel “Ecuador-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/ecuador-iran-foreign-relations
23 Farrar-Wellman, Ariel “Cuba-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/cuba-iran-foreign-relations
24 “Argentina-Iran Foreign Relations” and Farrar-Wellman, Ariel “Chile-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/Chile-iran-foreign-relations
25 Farrar-Wellman, Ariel “Brazil-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/Brazil-iran-foreign-relations
26 Farrar-Wellman, Ariel “Mexico-Iran Foreign Relations.” Iran Tracker. http://www.irantracker.org/foreign-relations/Mexico-iran-foreign-relations
27 Nasseri, Ladane "Iran Khodro to Make More Cars in Senegal, Venezuela" Bloomberg.2006. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-10-11/iran-khodro-to-make-more-cars-in-senegal-venezuela.html
28 Farah, Douglas. "Iran In The Western Hemisphere." Testimony Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittees on the Western Hemisphere The Middle East Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade. October 2009. http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/111/fara102709.pdf
29 "MP says Iran should not invest in Latin America." Aftab-e Yazd. 2009. Retrieved from LexisNexis, "Iranian MP defends president's policies in Latin America." Press TV 2009. Retrieved from LexisNexis.
30 Richard, Ivan. "Presidential advisor says Brazil ‘not defending’ Iran" Agencia Brasil. Brasilia, 2010, Janiot, Patricia and Juan Munoz. “President-elect: Brazil will keep Iran ties, remain global player” CNN http://articles.cnn.com/2010-11-04/world/brazil.rousseff.interview_1_president-luiz-inacio-lula-jose-serra-brazilian-women?_s=PM:WORLD and “Brazil president-elect speaks against Iran stoning.” Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/03/AR2010110305762.html
31 "Iranian official says Argentine remarks 'move to promote Zionist regime's aims'." Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Network 1. Tehran, 1997, Alconada Mon, Hugo. Retrieved from LexisNexis, "The Shadow of Iran in Argentina Takes on a Suspicious Shape." in Iran in Latin America: Threat or "Axis of Annoyance, Cynthia Arnson, Haleh Esfandiari, and Adam Stubits, 51-64. Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Wilson Center for International Scholars, 2008.
32 Farah 2008, 14-15
33 Ibid, 16
34 Ibid
35 O'Connor, Anne-Marie, and Mary Beth Sheridan. "Iran's Invisible Nicaragua Embassy; Feared Stronghold Never Materialized" Washington Post 2009. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/07/12/AR2009071202337.html
36 "Iran Latin America confab sees expansion of commercial ties." Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran Network 1. 2008. Retrieved from LexisNexis, "Iran , Latin America construct new world system” PressTV 2008, http://edition.presstv.ir/detail/68734.html "Venezuela ' s Chavez attends unveiling of Simon Bolivar statue in Tehran." Iranian News Agency (IRNA), 2004. Retrieved from LexisNexis.
37 For example, see Iran and Latin America: Ayatollahs in the Backyard. The Economist.2009. http://www.economist.com/node/14969124?story_id=14969124
38 Gertz, Bill. "Iran boosts Qods shock troops in Venezuela ; Pentagon predicts U . S . clash with Islamist paramilitary.” Washington Times. 2010. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/apr/21/iran-boosts-qods-shock-troops-in-venezuela/
39 Farah 2008, 17
40 Ibid
41 Melman, Yossi. "Argentina: Iran behind bombs at Israeli embassy, Jewish center" Haaretz, 2007. http://www.haaretz.com/news/argentina-iran-behind-bombs-at-israeli-embassy-jewish-center-1.235493
42 Hennigan, Tom. "US fears over Iranian presence in Latin America." Irish Times, 2010. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/world/2010/0424/1224269035362.html
43 For more in depth examination of the general implications of the development of an “Axis of Oil” see: Leverett, Flynt. The New Axis of Oil. New America Foundation, 2006. http://www.newamerica.net/publications/articles/2006/the_new_axis_of_oil and Stelzer, Irwin M. "The Axis of Oil." Weekly Standard, 2005. www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/.../200alybw.asp
44 For example, see Walser, Ray. “What to Do about Hugo Chavez: Venezuela's Challenge to Security in the Americas.” Heritage Foundation, 2009. http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2009/02/what-to-do-about-hugo-chaacutevez-venezuelas-challenge-to-security-in-the-americas
45 Karmon 2009, 14
46 Farah 2009
47 Walser 2009
48 Farah 2008, 15
49 Abn, Tamara Pearson. "North American Imperialism and the Extreme Right are Behind Coup in Honduras: Chavez." Venezuelaanalysis.com, 2010. http://venezuelaanalysis.com/news/4555.
50 Leverett 2005
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
HIV/AIDS in Indigenous Communities: Indo-America’s Forgotten Victims
1- Special Theme: the Millennium Development Goals and indigenous peoples: redefining the Goals, Information Received from the United Nations system, E/C.19/2006/6/Add.10, 2006. New York: United Nations Economic and Social Council, 21 March 2006. Pgs. 1-19. Retrieved from http://data.unaids.org/pub/Report/2006/unaidsindigenousissuespaper_en.pdf on November 5, 2010.
2- Reynolds, Louisa. HIV/AIDS could spread among indigenous communities. Latinamerica Press/ Noticias Aliadas. 7/30/2009. Retrieved from http://www.lapress.org/articles.asp?art=5915 on November 8, 2010.
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4- Zavaleta, Carol, Connie Fernández, Kelika Konda, Yadira Valderrama, Sten H. Vermund, and Eduardo Gotuzzo. High Prevalence of HIV and Syphilis in a Remote Native Community of the Peruvian Amazon. The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 76(4), 2007, pgs. 703-705. Retrieved from http://www.ajtmh.org/cgi/content/full/76/4/703 on November 5, 2010.
5- United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). HIV and AIDS in the Americas. Final Report, 2008.
6- Hernández-Rosete, Daniel, Maya García Olivia, Bernal Enrique, Castañeda Xóchitl, Lemp George. Migración y ruralización del SIDA: relatos de vulnerabilidad en comunidades indígenas de México. Rev. Saúde Pública, Vol. 42, Number 1, February 2008 Pgs. 131-138. Retrieved from http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-89102008000100017&lng=en on December 1, 2010. Translated by author.
7- Subways, Suzy. Land and Freedom: Indigenous Communities in Oaxaca, Mexico Fight HIV and Repression. Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project. Retrieved from http://www.champnetwork.org/solidarity_project/2008/12/en/land-and-freedom-indigenous-communities-oaxaca-mexico-fight-hiv-and-re on November 12, 2010.
8- Carías, Nusly. Sida se mueve como fantasma entre indígenas. Elheraldo.hn. August 4, 2008. Retrieved from http://www.elheraldo.hn/layout/set/print/content/view/print/2457 on November 10, 2010. Translated by author.
9- Sierra, M. C. Paredes, R. Pinel, J. Fernandez, S. Mendoza, B. Branson. Seroepidemiologic study of syphilis, hepatitis B and HIV in the Farifuna population of El Triunfo de la Crz, Bajamar, Sambo Creek and Corozal. Report from the Honduras Ministry of Health, Subsecretary for Populations at Risk. The Department of Control and Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, AIDS and Tuberculosis. Honduras Ministry of Health, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. 1999.
10- Paz-Bailey, Gabriela, Sonia Morales-Miranda, Jerry Jacobsen, Sundeep Gupta, Keith Sabin, Suyapa Mendoza, Mayte Paredes, Berta Alvarez, and Edgar Monterroso. High Rates of STD and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Garifunas in Honduras. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Vol. 51, May 2009. Pgs. S26-S34. Retrieved from http://journals.lww.com/jaids/Fulltext/2009/05011/High_Rates_of_STD_and_Sexual_Risk_Behaviors_Among.5.aspx on November 10, 2010.
11- Sabin, Miriam, George Luber, Keith Sabin, Mayte Paredes, Edgar Monterroso. Rapid Ethnographic Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Garífuna Communities in Honduras: Informing HIV Surveillance among Garífuna Women. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. Vol. 17, Issue 3 & 4. June 2008. Pgs. 237-257. Retrieved from http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/section?content=a903745512&fulltext=713240928 on November 10, 2010.
12- Abya-Yala Kuyarinakui. Promoción de la salud sexual y prevención del VIH-sida y de las ITS en los pueblos indígenas de las Américas. Primer Taller de Intercambio de Experiencias y Formulación de Estrategias a Futuro en Salud Reproductiva y Educación Sexual. Ecuador, June 2003. P: 15. Retrieved from http://www.paho.org/Spanish/AD/FCH/AI/SSIA06.pdf on November 12, 2010. Translated by author.
13- Price, Richard. Maroons in Suriname and Guyane: how many and where. New West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indiche Gids. 76, no: 1/2. Leiden 2002, P: 84. Retrieved from http://www.kitlv-journals.nl/index.php/nwig/article/viewFile/3463/4224 on November 12, 2010.
14- Panama HIV Country Profile. World Health Organization. December 2005. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/hiv/HIVCP_PAN.pdf on November 12, 2010.
15- Cambell, Zenaida M. and Miguel Brugiatti. Informe nacional sobre los progresos realizados en la aplicación del UNGASS--Panamá Enero 2006 -- Diciembre 2007. Ministerio de Salud / Programa Nacional de VIH y SIDA and ONUSIDA. P: 5. Translated by author.
16- Survival International. HIV reaches Yanomami in Amazon. 27 January 2010. Retrieved from http://www.survivalinternational.org/news/5480 on November 12, 2010.
17- McKenna, Neil. A disaster waiting to happen. WorldAIDS. Vol: 27. May 1993. P: 5-6. Note: This article has become very difficult to find, but COHA/the author has a copy available free of charge.
2- Reynolds, Louisa. HIV/AIDS could spread among indigenous communities. Latinamerica Press/ Noticias Aliadas. 7/30/2009. Retrieved from http://www.lapress.org/articles.asp?art=5915 on November 8, 2010.
3- García, Judith. Análisis de Situación de ITS, VIH, y SIDA, Guatemala, agosto 2007. Boletín Epidemiológico Nacional, No. 23. Pgs. 52-26. Retrieved from http://epidemiologia.mspas.gob.gt/ on October 28th, 2010. Translated by author.
4- Zavaleta, Carol, Connie Fernández, Kelika Konda, Yadira Valderrama, Sten H. Vermund, and Eduardo Gotuzzo. High Prevalence of HIV and Syphilis in a Remote Native Community of the Peruvian Amazon. The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 76(4), 2007, pgs. 703-705. Retrieved from http://www.ajtmh.org/cgi/content/full/76/4/703 on November 5, 2010.
5- United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). HIV and AIDS in the Americas. Final Report, 2008.
6- Hernández-Rosete, Daniel, Maya García Olivia, Bernal Enrique, Castañeda Xóchitl, Lemp George. Migración y ruralización del SIDA: relatos de vulnerabilidad en comunidades indígenas de México. Rev. Saúde Pública, Vol. 42, Number 1, February 2008 Pgs. 131-138. Retrieved from http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-89102008000100017&lng=en on December 1, 2010. Translated by author.
7- Subways, Suzy. Land and Freedom: Indigenous Communities in Oaxaca, Mexico Fight HIV and Repression. Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project. Retrieved from http://www.champnetwork.org/solidarity_project/2008/12/en/land-and-freedom-indigenous-communities-oaxaca-mexico-fight-hiv-and-re on November 12, 2010.
8- Carías, Nusly. Sida se mueve como fantasma entre indígenas. Elheraldo.hn. August 4, 2008. Retrieved from http://www.elheraldo.hn/layout/set/print/content/view/print/2457 on November 10, 2010. Translated by author.
9- Sierra, M. C. Paredes, R. Pinel, J. Fernandez, S. Mendoza, B. Branson. Seroepidemiologic study of syphilis, hepatitis B and HIV in the Farifuna population of El Triunfo de la Crz, Bajamar, Sambo Creek and Corozal. Report from the Honduras Ministry of Health, Subsecretary for Populations at Risk. The Department of Control and Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, AIDS and Tuberculosis. Honduras Ministry of Health, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. 1999.
10- Paz-Bailey, Gabriela, Sonia Morales-Miranda, Jerry Jacobsen, Sundeep Gupta, Keith Sabin, Suyapa Mendoza, Mayte Paredes, Berta Alvarez, and Edgar Monterroso. High Rates of STD and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Garifunas in Honduras. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. Vol. 51, May 2009. Pgs. S26-S34. Retrieved from http://journals.lww.com/jaids/Fulltext/2009/05011/High_Rates_of_STD_and_Sexual_Risk_Behaviors_Among.5.aspx on November 10, 2010.
11- Sabin, Miriam, George Luber, Keith Sabin, Mayte Paredes, Edgar Monterroso. Rapid Ethnographic Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Garífuna Communities in Honduras: Informing HIV Surveillance among Garífuna Women. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. Vol. 17, Issue 3 & 4. June 2008. Pgs. 237-257. Retrieved from http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/section?content=a903745512&fulltext=713240928 on November 10, 2010.
12- Abya-Yala Kuyarinakui. Promoción de la salud sexual y prevención del VIH-sida y de las ITS en los pueblos indígenas de las Américas. Primer Taller de Intercambio de Experiencias y Formulación de Estrategias a Futuro en Salud Reproductiva y Educación Sexual. Ecuador, June 2003. P: 15. Retrieved from http://www.paho.org/Spanish/AD/FCH/AI/SSIA06.pdf on November 12, 2010. Translated by author.
13- Price, Richard. Maroons in Suriname and Guyane: how many and where. New West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indiche Gids. 76, no: 1/2. Leiden 2002, P: 84. Retrieved from http://www.kitlv-journals.nl/index.php/nwig/article/viewFile/3463/4224 on November 12, 2010.
14- Panama HIV Country Profile. World Health Organization. December 2005. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/hiv/HIVCP_PAN.pdf on November 12, 2010.
15- Cambell, Zenaida M. and Miguel Brugiatti. Informe nacional sobre los progresos realizados en la aplicación del UNGASS--Panamá Enero 2006 -- Diciembre 2007. Ministerio de Salud / Programa Nacional de VIH y SIDA and ONUSIDA. P: 5. Translated by author.
16- Survival International. HIV reaches Yanomami in Amazon. 27 January 2010. Retrieved from http://www.survivalinternational.org/news/5480 on November 12, 2010.
17- McKenna, Neil. A disaster waiting to happen. WorldAIDS. Vol: 27. May 1993. P: 5-6. Note: This article has become very difficult to find, but COHA/the author has a copy available free of charge.
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