Friday, January 21, 2011

Alexandra Reed and Nicky Pear - Dredging Up an Old Issue: An Analysis of the Long-Standing Dispute between Costa Rica and Nicaragua over the San Juan River

1. Gomez, Pablo. “Costa Rica and Nicaragua at ICJ.” Radio Netherlands Worldwide. 19 January 19, 2011.

2. “Costa Rica Institutes Proceedings Against Nicaragua.” International Court of Justice. 19 Nov. 2010.

3. Costa Rica remains without a military.

4. Esteban Oviedo. “Chinchilla incluye a Nicaragua entre ‘enemigos.’” La Nación. 6 Dec. 2010.

5. Nicaragua’s “The Truths that Costa Rica Hides about the San Juan de Nicaragua River” can be accessed here:

6. Berrios, Bertha. “San Juan River - Border Dispute Between Costa Rica and Nicaragua” 23 April. 2004.

7. Dispute Regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua) International Court of Justice. 13 July. 2009.

8. Berrios, Bertha.. “San Juan River - Border Dispute Between Costa Rica and Nicaragua” 23 April. 2004. 9


10. Nicaragua’s “The Truths that Costa Rica Hides about the San Juan de Nicaragua River” can be accessed here:

11. Francisco Campbell, Nicaraguan Ambassador to the United States, Personal Interview with the authors. Dec. 9, 2010.

12. Jorge I. Domínguez. “Boundary Disputes in Latin America”. United States Institute of Peace. Washington, DC: 2003, 28. For example, in the case of Argentina, successive presidents (including current President Cristina Kirchner) have played up to Argentines’ nationalist desire to reclaim the Falkland Islands from Britain, both before and after the unsuccessful Falklands War in 1982. Likewise, Bolivia’s quest to recover its coastline from Chile still retains considerable political appeal in La Paz, more than 100 years after it was lost in the War of the Pacific.

14. Translated from the Spanish by Alexandra Reed. Original: “Esa unidad que hemos logrado los nicaragüenses y que ha tratado de capitalizar Daniel Ortega, tendrá una duración relativamente breve, porque en nuestro país es difícil de enfocar un tema por mucho tiempo.” Ramón H. Potosme. “Ortega busca sacudirse observación internacional.” El Nuevo Diario. 14 Nov. 2010.

15. “Costa Rican President Urges Restraint in Border Dispute.” CNN World. 4 November 2010.

16. “Costa Rican President Urges Restraint in Border Dispute.”

17. “Costa Rica Institutes Proceedings Against Nicaragua.” International Court of Justice. 19 Nov. 2010.

18. OAS press release 8 December 2010.

19. Gamez, Pablo. “Costa Rica and Nicaragua at ICJ.” Radio Netherlands Worldwide. 19 January 19, 2011.

20. Gomez, Pablo. “Costa Rica and Nicaragua at ICJ.” Radio Netherlands Worldwide. 19 January 19, 2011.


22. Translated from the Spanish by Alexandra Reed. Original: “la peculiar interpretación del Gobierno nicaragüense sobre el Derecho Internacional es que solo tiene legitimidad lo que lo beneficia, y que, por tanto, se debe tolerar la ocupación armada de territorio de otro país…” Costa Rica’s “The Truth about the Incursion, Occupation, Use and Damage of Costa Rican Territory by Nicaragua” can be accessed here:

23. “What Are the Prospects for Costa Rica-Nicaragua Relations?” Inter-American Dialogue. 16 Nov. 2010.

24. Jorge I. Domínguez. “Boundary Disputes in Latin America”. United States Institute of Peace. Washington, DC: 2003, 34.

25. U.S. Sentator calls for freeze of Nicaraguan Aid’ Tico Times.

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